Why I'm Running...
As a pastor for over 30 years I’ve been responsible for the lives and wellbeing of the people I serve. As an instrument rated pilot I’m trained to always think ahead and be prepared to handle pressure while staying focused. As an entrepreneur I’ve faced the challenges of budgeting, staffing, and marketing for success. As state representative I’ve gained experience in listening to the people and working with my colleagues for common sense solutions. As a husband, father, and grandfather I’ve learned to be grateful for the things that really matter.
What motivates me to run for re-election as state representative
YOU'RE the reason… our children… my granddaughter.
When I see what’s happening in our nation…
Economic chaos with rampant inflation and a rapidly rising cost of living
Housing becoming less and less affordable for everyday Floridians
Parental rights being disrespected
Attempts to bring radical gender ideology into the classrooms of kindergarteners
Our hard-earned dollars being treated as a piggy bank for politicians
A movement to defund our police — putting the safety of our families at risk
I say enough is enough.
I cannot be silent!
Yet in the midst of these things I see tremendous opportunity...
I see the opportunity to lead and not follow…to restore the foundations of hope, of liberty, of security, and of sanity. Of true unity and equality for all.
I see the opportunity to restore a government of, by, and for the people. An opportunity to restore the understanding that politicians are public servants whose job is to represent the people, and not big government or self interest. I see the opportunity to truly defeat racism by not using it as a tool for political expedience, or shaming one to exalt another, but by remembering that the rights and opportunities of everyone must be protected equally.
I see the opportunity to affect laws that keep us from runaway spending and limit the taxation on the works of people’s hands to that which is purposeful and beneficial for all.
I see the opportunity to restore dignity to the political process where we can work out our differences through civil discourse, remembering that we are all Americans and Floridians together
And I see Florida…
Florida is a beautiful land of promise with rich heritage and tremendous potential. I see our cities and towns best able to make decisions for their people. I see our lake Apopka through stewardship being restored to her once pristine beauty and vivid wildlife. I see our Wekiva springs and forest, a hidden treasure worth protecting. I see our own history even ensconced in the names of our counties I seek to represent: Orange, and Seminole, conjuring the image of our enjoyed produce and earliest people.
I see opportunity in our businesses, ready to come roaring back after the challenges of Covid, based upon the dreams and determination of every entrepreneur as we keep government out of the way.
I see opportunity in our schools to support our teachers and bring the best education to our children. To respect the rights of parents to have a voice in education, and to have the choice to send their children to whatever school best gives them the opportunity to reach their potential. To support both secondary education and vocational training, each for whom it is best suited.
And I see our children…our life and our future… deserving of being protected and nurtured. THEY are worth fighting for. YOU are worth fighting for.
If you send me back to Tallahassee I promise to continue to:
Fight government corruption and overreach
Fight for fiscal responsibility
Fight against radical ideology in our schools
Fight for parental rights and for school choice
To work together for commonsense solutions
To reach across the aisle without compromising principles
To stand for family, for fiscal responsibility, and for freedom
To rebuild and restore the foundation of liberty
...and to get the job done!
And that’s why I’m asking you to send me to continue to represent District 39, and to be YOUR voice in Tallahassee… a voice for freedom… with liberty and justice for all.