Out of control inflation is making it hard for Florida families to make ends meet. I have a plan to address the rising costs of living and keep more money in your pockets: lower taxes, maintain a balanced budget, and find solutions for the housing crisis.
We must secure the opportunities of education for all our children equally regardless of their background, and we must ensure that parents always have a voice in education.
Business Opportunity
Our economic development must attract the best and brightest and must opt for such regulation that protects the consumer without penalizing the merchant.
We can all work together to guard the precious gifts from our Wekiva State Springs and Park to our waterways to our beloved Lake Apopka.
Public Safety
We must support the first responders who stand on the front lines for us to keep all of our families safe. While we look inward to address the issues that have divided communities, we must not abandon the need for safety, law, and order.
Life and Liberty
I believe life is a precious gift from God, and that we must protect all life from its inception to natural conclusion. When life is in danger we must act in such a way to save all involved, both mother and child, and to fulfill the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm”. I believe that our families are the building block of society and we must protect the rights of parents to raise their children according to their conscience. I believe in the unalienable rights of all individuals and will fight to protect those rights.